Being ultimately a team game, League of Legends shows its appreciation to individuals by grading them after each game. Riot doesn’t determine your post-game grade, but other players do. Doing better than an average player would do if he was put in your situation will give you a higher grade.
The same logic applies if you perform badly. There are multiple ways to get an S rank in League of Legends, so stay tuned!
Table of Contents
Why is S Rank important in LoL?
League of Legends is an extremely competitive game. When we put all of the fancy stats such as kda and vision score, we’re left with two results. They’re either a win or a loss. And truthfully, wins are exactly what you should be looking for. Whether it is by carrying your team or performing just enough to make yourself useful.
But, not everything in League is about winning and losing. By having a good post-game grade you can unlock cool stuff such as chests. Alongside numerous skins and emotes, you can also unlock extremely rare gemstones. Furthermore, to level up your champions from Mastery level 5 to 6 and 7, you will need to obtain their respective tokens. Those tokens are exclusively obtainable only by getting S- grade or above.
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How To Get an S Grade in LoL?
When you are trying to get S on a particular champion, you need to understand what the purpose of the said champion is. In our example, we will use Jax. Jax is known as a split pusher top laner who often gets punished by opponents for overextending in the enemy territory. Thus, we can expect an average Jax player to have good CS numbers, good tower damage, and many deaths.
The key to increasing our chances of getting S is going to be lowering the number of deaths, and increasing kill participation. Furthermore, our CS numbers should be respectable at around 8CSPM.
Combining all of these with some good KDA is surely going to be enough to get you S or S+ on Jax. You can apply the same method to any other champion. Just always keep in mind how an average player plays such a champion, or what one-trick ponies do that separates them from others.
Have A Good Kill Participation
Helping your team to get the victory is measured in different stats, but kill participation surely takes the crown. Kill participation is represented in percentages and shows the percentage of your team’s kills that you were involved in. So for example, if your team had 10 kills and you had 2 kills and 3 assists, you would be involved in 5 out of your team’s 10 kills. Dividing 5 with 10 gives us a respectable 50% KP.
When Riot looks at what players are doing, they can only do so by checking the numbers. I believe KP is not the most influential stat for determining who gets an S or not, but it’s good enough of an indication to see how much of a team player you were.
Die Less
Dying is by far the biggest reason you are not getting S more often in your games. Executing enemies and placing many wards are all great, but your number of deaths is crucial in the grading process. Depending on role and champion, an average player dies between 5-7 times each game.
As an example, let’s say you die only once. That would mean you performed 400% better than an average player did for that stat. Now when we compare it to CS numbers, if you have 200 at the same time another player has 150, that’s an increase of only 25%.
Farm, Farm And Farm
One might say that the most influential thing in League of Legends is items. And to get items players have to obtain lots and lots of gold. Minions are the easiest way to do that. Not only are they weak, but new ones also come every 30 seconds. Having a good farm will look good in Riot’s eyes. I recommend averaging around 8 CSPM if you are a laner and around 6CSPM as a jungler.
Your CS per minute is calculated by dividing the number of minions and monsters (shortly, creeps) you killed with the total game time. Furthermore, having that extra gold will fuel your items and let you boost up your other stats much easier.
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Vision Score
Wards are perhaps one of the most overlooked things in the game. While it gets better with higher ranks, the majority of players are Gold and below. Wards don’t only offer you safety, but they also show you when you can be aggressive.
If you’ll be looking to lower your total death amount, I suggest you learn more about wards. In the graph below you can see average wards placed based on a role according to League Graphs. Try to place more than that to increase your chances of getting an S.
Deal Damage
And we’ve come to our last tip for getting s rank in League of Legends. Throughout our last ones, we were powering you up with more gold and making you safer with wards. Now it’s the time to use that gold for good use. The total damage dealt to champions is one of the most useful stats when determining who is most responsible for the team’s success. Do note though that it’s not foul proof. Still, I believe it’s effective in League’s grading system.
Your damage dealt is going to vary based on your champion and your role, as well as the game’s length. So instead, focus on damage per minute (DPM). Assume what the champion that you’re playing would do, and then try to outdo it.
Are MMR and Rank important for S?
Simply put, no. Whether you are Bronze or Challenger doesn’t matter in Riot’s eyes. You should only focus on playing good.
There are multiple ways to get an S rank in League of Legends. My suggestion is not to focus too much on any of the stats, but rather, to have a good game overall. Riot loves when players have a bit of everything in their statistics. As a final tip, which is rather obvious, try to do everything other players playing your champion would do, but better! Here is our guide on how to get better in League of Legends.