Clash Tiers

Clash has been a great addition to League of Legends. Although it was full of bugs, used to crash League servers whenever it was happening, we love that Riot kept working at it. If we ignore its rocky starts, it’s probably the best mode that they have released for League (excluding TFT and other games) ever. It finally brought professional gaming closer to average players. This unique experience doesn’t come without its limitations though. We’re going to focus on Clash Tiers and how they affect the Clash system.

What are they?

In an attempt to keep Clash balanced, Riot separates the teams into 4 different tiers. Depending on your SoloQ, and FlexQ ranks you are placed in either Tier IV, III, II, or I. The lowest tier is Tier IV, while the highest is Tier I. It is important to note though that the higher rank your best player is, the higher tier your team is going to be in.

Teams from different tiers can’t meet during the same Clash tournament. It is as each tier has its own mini-tournament between them. While Riot never officially released ranks that determine tiers, we believe it’s something similar to this. Lastly, the decayed Diamond account doesn’t count as Platinum since it still has Diamond MMR. Thus, it will stay in Tier I and push its team up there too.

Tier IV – Bronze and Silver

Tier III – Gold

Tier II – Platinum

Tier I – Diamond and above

That takes into account only average rank of your team. So, if you had 5 players that are Bronze you are most likely going to be Tier IV. But, if you remove one of those players and add a Diamond player instead, you might get bumped to Tier III or possibly even to Tier II.

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Where can I see my Clash Tier?

In the Clash tab, there are two ways you can see what Clash Tier you are in depending if you are in a team or a Free Agent. As a Free Agent on the left side of your screen, you’ll be able to see what Clash Tier are you in. By joining the pool of agents, you will be available for a team in your Tier. On the other hand, if you are playing in a team your Tier might fluctuate. Depending on the ranks of players that are joining, your clash tier might go from Tier IV all the way up to Tier I. To help you balance your team and play in a tier you want to play in keep an eye on it and make proper adjustments.

What are Clash Tiers

Why are they important?

Clash tiers are important to keep the integrity of the game and make the tournament competitive. You can imagine what sort of a bloodbath would it be if 5 Bronze players matched up against 5 Challenger ones. This way no one feels like they’re being outmatched right from the get-go. Instead, everyone gets a somewhat similar opportunity of winning the tournament and its precious rewards.

Regardless of what tier you are in you are still going to receive the same rewards. The only metric that is used for determining them is your record in the tournament. So do your best and beat everyone for the coolest rewards.


Clash Tiers are a vital part of Clash. They’re separated into 4 ranks ranging from Tier IV to Tier I. Depending on your team’s average rank you’ll be put in one of them. The higher ranks your team has the more it weighs towards a higher tier. It’s simply there to keep the tournament balanced and prevent big skill gaps between the teams.