10 Best Scaling Mid Laners

League of Legends games often tends to last quite a long time. When that happens, you want to make sure that you are in the best position to win the game. And there is no better way to do that than to select one of the late-game monsters.

This list features the 10 best scaling mid laners that will help you close out those tight games. Each of these champions has their own cons and pros, so evaluate them carefully before choosing your champion.



Viktor is just the first of many control mages that you will find on this list. Three of his 4 spells can be considered AOE that can delete whole teams if he gets the right items. He struggles only versus champions that have gap closers.

He is a very obnoxious laner. His Laser lets him attack an enemy from very far away and there’s practically no counterplay to it. Even though it’s not a point-and-click spell, it is certainly used that way.

Once you get an evolution to his E, Death Ray, you can one-shot the wave. That way your team will always have a priority in mid-lane. And there’s no easier way of playing this game than having priority on the most important part of the map.



It has been over a decade and Ryze is still a real menace in the mid-lane. Of course, he had his ups and downs throughout the numerous reworks. But his scaling never changed. He is one of the best late-game champions overall, not just in the mid-lane.

He has a relatively cheap two-item power spike with Rod of Ages and Archangel’s Staff. That ensures he can still be relevant in the mid-game until he hits his strongest point, level 16.

His biggest con is his short range. He has a hard time getting close to the champions that outrange him. Due to that it’s important to itemize him correctly. Make sure to buy plenty of HP and defensive stats so that enemies can’t blow you up the moment you try to approach them.



Cassiopeia is a unique champion in a way that she can’t buy boots. That means if the game goes long enough, she is going to have one item more than anyone else. How’s that for scaling?

She’s also peculiar in the way you have to play her. You can play aggressively in the early game and punish your opponent. But once you hit the mid-game, she falls off slightly. Her two and three-item spikes aren’t as good as the rest of the champions.

However, once you pass through that rough stage you can take over the game. She is one of the strongest champions in the game once she has 4 or more items. Her biggest weakness is a lack of range.

In the fights, you want to hit the champion closest to you. Your Petrifying Gaze should be used almost always as a form of disengage. Lastly, Miasma (W) is a great way to zone enemies during the fight. It also keeps them grounded meaning that they can’t dash or flash away.



Corki is a very traditional scaling champion. He has a very weak early game and his damage ramps up with every item he purchases. That’s why you should be wary of the way you play at the beginning of the game. Don’t fall too much behind! Avoid picking Corki if the enemy has Yasuo, Yone, Irelia, or some other type of gap-closing assassin.

There are two ways you can play Corki. The first is by going full AP. This build is the best for poking and keeping enemies at bay. The other is by building full Crit. With this build, you are basically an ad carry with very strong abilities.

His passive, The Package, is a great tool for splitting up the fight. If anyone gets stuck in it they might as well put their hands up from a keyboard. The slow and damage that follows are enough to kill any opponent.



You didn’t think we’d leave the late-game God off this list, did you? Any list that revolves around the late game and doesn’t have Kassadin on it is a bad one.

Kassadin is a ticking time bomb. He starts the game slowly and is vulnerable until he hits level 6. Enemies can even out farm and outplay him, but as the game goes on he gets stronger and stronger. If you manage to last until level 16 you have practically won the game.

At that point, you will have a ton of defensive stats, a bunch of ability power, and most importantly, a 1-second cooldown on Riftwalk. No champion will be able to escape your wrath. Likewise, they will not be able to catch you either.

Another positive thing about the Kassadin pick is the mental strain he leaves on his opponents. They need to be careful with every play they make. If they make just one mistake, that’s a step closer for Kassadin to reaching level 16 and losing the game.



Azir is one of the hardest champions in League of Legends. To get good at him you will need to put in hours and hours of playing. But once you become proficient at him, no game will be unwinnable.

The Shurima’s Emperor uses sand soldiers to destroy his enemies. But as is the case with the majority of the scaling champions, they’re rather weak in the early game. However, that doesn’t mean he is not a lane bully! His long-range and low mana costs allow him to at least go even in 90% of the matchups. He usually struggles versus long-range champions such as Xerath and Lux.

Due to his ultimate Emperor’s Divide, it’s hard for the enemies to get on top of him. It allows him to safely attack from a long range and have a very consistent DPS (damage per second).

There is one thing I must mention. Many players often dash into a teamfight to ult multiple opponents. But that’s not always the right play to do! Azir’s strength lies in the damage his soldiers do. You should only engage if that play is going to win the fight.



Contrary to the popular belief, Anivia is a very hard champion to master. That’s why she has a very dedicated player base and newcomers usually leave the champion before they can get good at her. If you like Anivia and want to pursue her as one of your main picks, I would recommend watching how Froggen plays her. He’s the best Anivia player since forever.

Now onto her pros and cons. She is your usual control mage. She has no escapes meaning that enemies can get on top of her with ease. However, her spells are great for zoning enemies in the teamfight or draining their HP slowly. If she gets ahead, Anivia can also one shot squishes.



When talking about scaling to infinity Nasus is often everyone’s first pick. But there’s a Tiny Master of Evil that people often forget about. Veigar has a very bad early game. But who cares? He gains Ability Power every time he hits an enemy or last hits a minion with one of his spells.

His cage is an ultimate zoning tool. It stops dashes and stuns anyone who tries to escape it. The only way out is by using a spell that has a blink, for example, Ezreal’s Arcane Shift or Kassadin’s Rift Walk, or by flashing out. But what if you don’t have any of those options? You are stuck at the mercy of a 1000 AP wizard.

He’s an excellent pick with early-game junglers. He struggles versus most of the mid-lane champions, so bide your time and wait for your spikes. There are some champions that he counters though. They are Azir and Akali.



The Blood Lord is as good of a late-game champion as any once he has his items. And when he gets going, there’s little you can do to stop him. The fact that he can use Tides of Blood while being untargettable in his pool means there is no counterplay.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. He has nonexistent wave clear which means he’s often stuck in the mid-lane throughout the whole early game. Sure, you can’t poke him out due to his excellent sustain, but he’s never going to pose a threat to the side lanes.

His real power starts once he moves into the side lane after the first towers fall. He can out sustain anyone while farming his necessary items. On the other hand, if the enemy makes a mistake, the long lane allows him to chase them down.



I was a slightly bit skeptical of putting Kayle on this list. She’s an excellent late-game champion, but there is one major problem with her. Her early game is so weak that the majority of the players never even reach the late game. And if they do, they’re so far behind that she’s nonexistent.

Read the next tips carefully to avoid that from happening to you. If you are having a hard time in the early game don’t be shy about calling your jungler to help. Even sacrifice some minions if getting them would put you behind in HP. You can start playing the game once you hit level 6 and become ranged.

At that point, you are still weak, but a bit safer. Never get cocky because the repercussions that follow a mistake are much worse than the benefits you get out of making a good play.

If you have done all of that, I have just one word to say – Congratulations. You have become a raid boss that can take the whole team on her own.


These are the top 10 scaling mid-laners in the game right now. We strive to keep this list as updated as possible, but if you find some inaccuracies or mistakes please let us know.

There are different styles you can play, but there is one thing you have to keep in mind. Scaling mid laners are weak in the early game so don’t make mistakes that would make you fall behind. Bide your time and wait for your power spikes. Once the late game arrives, the game is yours for the taking.