8 Tips on how to get out of Bronze in League of Legends

Many people struggle climbing once they get out of Iron. Competition gets tougher and players get better so it’s harder to perform at our best every game. If you have just recently gotten promoted to Bronze, or you’ve been stuck in the so-called “elo hell” read on and find out how to get out of bronze in League of Legends.

Play 1 Role

Choosing your role is one of the most important steps you’ll take in your League of Legends career. Take some time and try out different ones in normal games until you find one that you like and find most enjoyable. Afterward, choose 2-3 champions that you had the most fun playing and stick with them. While playing the same champions can sometimes get boring, it’s no secret they’re crucial to consistent climbing.

Some of the downsides of playing many different champions are their differences in kits. They also require you to be able to play multiple playstyles to pilot them efficiently. In return, you have to acquire much more information compared to other players. Thus prolonging your climbing process.

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Buy Wards

There’s a saying in LoL involving Bronze players, “What are wards?”. Truthfully it seems quite offensive towards Bronze players, but we can’t deny that it’s not true. The majority of players in Bronze are new and are still grasping the game and didn’t get to the wards part yet. 

Having a vision advantage over your opponents will provide you with valuable information. If you see an enemy jungler near your lane, you will not go into a trade with the enemy. Another example of how useful wards are is the ability to track an enemy laner if he goes for a roam and let your teammates know to be careful.

An extra tip for warding is to ward enemy jungle camps, such as birds or raptors. If you see an enemy doing them you can easily foresee where they will move next and decide your next few moves.


Gold rules in League, and minions are the easiest way to gather tons of it. Do your best to consistently last hit them. As we have mentioned earlier, there are many champions in LoL and they vary based on their kits. Their auto attacks are no different.

To get gold from minions, you have to last hit them. Every champion has a unique auto attack animation which leads to farming being easier on the champions you have practiced a lot. This just further proves our point of how crucial playing up to 3 champions is. Getting to know your champions inside out will let you out farm your opponents and gain leads quickly.

How to farm in League of Legends

Don’t Die

Dying is one of the worst things that can happen to you in League of Legends. When you die, not only do you give the enemy gold and experience for killing you, but you also lose valuable minion experience and gold. Furthermore, you lose pressure on the map, and an enemy can roam or play for an objective such as a tower, dragon, or baron.

Keeping your death count low is going to be crucial if you want to climb no matter your current rank. Our best tip to accomplish that is by not making unnecessary risks and uncalculated plays. Don’t go for a trade or an all-in if you don’t know where an enemy jungler is.

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Don’t Flame

Players are toxic regardless of the rank, but this is especially true for Bronze. When someone believes they’re much better than their opposition but still unable to climb they can become easily irritated. Flaming and blaming your teammates won’t make them play better or try harder. It can only do the opposite effect.

They’ll get stressed and mad that you are insulting them, shifting their focus from the game to your words. If you are unable to keep yourself from chatting, just turn off the chat all together in Settings. However, it’s highly recommended that you praise your teammates when they make a good play to motivate them further. Remember, no one likes to play with a toxic teammate!

Having a bad day in real life shouldn’t be an excuse for you to go off on your teammates. Such behavior can do nothing but lower your chances of winning. When it comes to ranking up, you will want to minimize your risks and maximize your chances of winning. Playing when you are in a good mood and not tired is extremely important.

League of Legends teamwork

Play to Improve Yourself

Everyone knows the sourness of a loss and the excitement of a victory. But, not every game is winnable. That is why you should take every game as an opportunity to get better. You should focus on what you are doing in the game and how you can play better. Slowly getting better will separate you from other players and let you have more impact on it.

Get a Duo Partner

We all have such streaks when it feels like the enemy is constantly ganking us, or their duo partner is not leaving their side. Don’t forget, you can always fight fire with fire. Get yourself a duo partner and play around each other.

This means that if you are a top laner you should be playing duo with either a mid laner, or a jungler. The best duo combination for solo queue is mid and jungle, followed by adc and support. Having someone on your team who you can always trust takes a load from your shoulders and will let you play more freely.

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Objectives Over Kills

Having many kills is super fun, but it does not necessarily gain you LP. The only certain way to get LP and increase your League rank is by destroying enemy nexus. To do that you’ll need to destroy towers. 

Kills can lead to objectives (for example, if an enemy jungler is dead you can easily get a baron or dragon), but they shouldn’t be put over objectives. Try not to get baited into chasing a low-health enemy and take an enemy tower instead. Slowly but surely, you’ll be getting closer and closer to the enemy nexus and an imminent victory.


Climbing in League of Legends, regardless if you are Bronze or Diamond, can be extremely stressful. Don’t lose your head over losses and stay positive. Furthermore, don’t hold grudges over your teammates. After all, they want to win as well. Good luck!